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Is vegetarian food containing raw protein more healthy

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Is vegetarian food containing raw protein more healthy

I know that most vegetarians cook their protein but if the protein came from fruits that do not need cooking then that might solve the problem.
Millions of fruits are produced with lots of protein. Apparently Boab fruit has 8% protein, Wood-Apple 7%, Ebentree truit 7%, Jessenia fruit 4% buy fresh weight. Should we give priority to better distribution of fruits that support the raw protein supply for the westerners?
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Raw foods (meatless of course) are the healthiest types to eat!!! When food is in their natural state it means there is A TON more vitamins and are much healthier for you and it satisfies your bodies needs more completley

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Plus, most meat-eaters get more protein than their bodies can use anyway. When a meat eater goes "number two," a large part of what comes out is wasted protein, never digested. Which is probably why it smells so bad -- how long would meat keep if you stored it at a constant 98.6 degrees? The couple of days it takes to pass through the body is plenty of time to rot at that temp.

Look at it this way: almost every part of living tissue is made of proteins in one form or another. Remember high school biology, the lesson on DNA: each gene's job is to produce a specific protein -- this is true even of genes for eye color or hair texture, which are determined by amounts and structures of certain proteins. So if you eat anything that was once living tissue, you are eating protein.

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