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Vegetarians/Vegans dating a meat eater

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February 23, 2009
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I am writing a magazine article on vegetarians/vegans who are currently, or once did, date a meat eating mate. If you fit this category (even if you were the meat eater) please tell me what the hardest thing was.
Feel free to relay any stories about an argument, a situation, an issue, etc, which you had. Why was it difficult? If not, what made it work?

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April 8, 2009
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`It's extremely difficult to date a meat eater and unfortunately, I've never been lucky enough to date a vegetarian. I think the most difficult part of dating a meat eater is the fact that they don't care about animals, the environment, global warming, or even their own health. Ultimately, I could never commit my life to someone unless they made the choice to cut meet out of their diet. The only time it has worked in the past is because I usually give up, trying to convince them that eating dead animals is unethical and wrong in a countless amount of ways. I've always tried to focus on the person's good qualities and not their very, VERY, bad quality.

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July 5, 2010
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`I've never been lucky enough to date vegetarian too....
It is amazing how many people dont even want to think thru about vegetarian way of life
They think it is something stupid or extravagant...

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July 30, 2010
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`I do not even know about any vegetarians in my district! So, I can only meet with meat-eaters. Well, it's alway quite awkward when I mention, that I am a vegetarian, and as you said - they never understand it, and what is more, the boys who really love me always try to dissuade me from vegetarianism..

But, I don't really care about it. We should go on. I have learnt that it is everyone's own decision to stop eating meats or continuing eating meats. However, it's and interesting situation after a dinner at a restaurant when the boy wants to kiss you.. always have to rethink. Sometimes I refuse them..

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August 10, 2010
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`It proves to be difficult in the sense that something you've worked very diligently at to establish in your life comes under daily scrutiny. Also the freedom of being a vegan is constantly challenged as three or more times in the day you are confronted with the image of the one you love ingesting the very things which in your innermost being you are aware is slowly killing them. For me it was quite depressing and was ultimately the demise of two passionate relationships. Not sure if I could ever do it again, though around here there isn't much of a choice.

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July 5, 2010
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That is a problem.....there is no choice.....there is so many meat eaters....
In all my life, i havent met, face to face, with another vegetarian :O

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`According to some vegetarian faiths meat consumption invokes negative emotions. I wonder if this is because of the taken for granted symptom (psychological) and/or possibly a biological reaction to the abomination? Some of my reactions to animal cruelty etc have been interpreted as negative by my meat eating partner who on the one hand had drastically 'cut down' since we merged, but who also has begun to develop a deeper conscience which was sometimes conflictual resulting in defensive reactions. Anyhow we had only gotten together shortly after I became vegetarian with the belief that dietary habits were not a barrier. Although they have certainly led to confrontation for varying reasons.

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I could never, ever, no matter what date a meat eater. I'm sorry but to me those people are cold-blooded murderers pure and simple and I find them utterly repulsive. People say it is a choice and we should respect them. Well, the Nazis who murdered countless of people were also making a choice but it was a selfish, cruel and unnecessary choice too and anyone who makes choices like that will never have my respect let alone my love. If you cannot be a friend to all animals then I will not be a friend to you!

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June 30, 2014
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`wow this is a topic close to home. I dated a women who I thought was my forever girl. She is a meat gobbler. It hurt my feelings when she would sit her and her kid down at the table Im eating at and devour burgers or chicken or some other sort of meat. I believe that people who eat meat, that their hearts are hardened to the murder and oppression of all the species of animal on the planet by man and the poor creatures they are eating. I once walked into a slaughter house to deliver an order. The cows were still alive and in deep distress as they ---- off the hooks on the wall. I was very upset after that. Its a nightmare, how they treat these animals. I am poor; so I live in my r.v and i rent a parking spot at a meat packaging plant just outside of town. I cant afford anywhere else. I hear the animals who are waiting for slaughter the next day. I hear them bray in distress. Some of them will struggle to get over the high fences.The ultimate betrayal is the 4H animals. Those are hand raised as pets. When they get here; it is a rude awakening. I feel so sad for them. any ways; dating a meat gobbler and kissing them; its gross. the smell ends up in their skin sometimes too. I cant tolerate it anymore. Besides; I read a census once that hinted at how many vegetarians / vegans there were in America. I wish that I could remember the article source, but any how it was somewhere around 10 million of us Americans are some sort of vegetarian. The world wide number ends up in the billions. So why are we having such a hard time getting together? Because most of us are settling for the meat gobblers in our rush to get with someone and save us from our loneliness. I have met a few vegetarians. They were always married to someone who was a meat gobbler already. Just not available. And we dont seem to be making an impact on the meat eaters either. Some of them will try to hide their extra meat gobbling by diving into a fast food joint and then discarding any evidence. Online I have viewed the profile of a female vegan/ athlete/ Israelite and she was perfect to me in every way. But she wont respond to my email. Sad. she's probably dating a meat gobbler.

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