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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: What do you say?

Hi everyone, I am new here. I'm also new to vegetarianism in general.
Since I made the decision to go veg - I have taken a lot of flack from friends, family, and especially my co-workers. I am really sick and tired of always having to defend my position and choice. My question for all of you is: What do you say when people "attack" you for being a vegetarian? At my work, they treat you like you're some kind of criminal or something because you don't want to eat meat.

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February 8, 2008
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wow this takes me back.When I became a vegetarian in 1976 it was like being an alien from outer space!I took a lot of flak from "friends" some of them had to go....poof! I was comitted to sticking with my decision . Even today I take flak..I am in the cigar business! and I smoke! I also am a harley you can imagine! I had to find new circles to hang out in. I found open minded people to associate with.
Good luck with your transistion!

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

.I became a vegetarian a year ago, and want other vegetarian to talk to instead of only my sister
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former member default image - bird flying away


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July 5, 2008
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ive been a vegetarian since i was 5 yrs old =]
What made me go veggie is seeing slaughteerhouse videos.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I just wrote this to another person, you really shouldn't have to explain yourself, it is your life and your decision, but if you feel the need to defend yourself then tell them that it isn't the end of the world to be a vegetarian your only omitting one food group out of the pyramid and its not only better for you but it's also better for the You should read the book "Skinny B----" (I know the title is a little intense) it talks about how animals are treated before and after they are slaughtered, it actually made me decide to be a vegan after 15 years of vegetarianism!

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November 5, 2008
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`Sadly, there are always plenty of stupid people who want to attack you for being different. I have had this for over 20 years and you just get used to it.
After all, we are right and they are wrong!

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November 11, 2008
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Re: What do you say?
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dtfan wrote: Hi everyone, I am new here. I'm also new to vegetarianism in general.
Since I made the decision to go veg - I have taken a lot of flack from friends, family, and especially my co-workers. I am really sick and tired of always having to defend my position and choice. My question for all of you is: What do you say when people "attack" you for being a vegetarian? At my work, they treat you like you're some kind of criminal or something because you don't want to eat meat.

When people ask me why I don't eat animals I reply "Because I don't want animals to eat me!"
One thing I have learned in thirty years as a vegan is that if i diffuse folks with humor it takes away their ammunition.
I don't have to "justify" my healthy choices...
Another way is to invite them over for a vegetarian feast!
Make friends and spread the lifestyle!
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December 2, 2008
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`In general, it is clear that most of us react strongly when someone or something breaks the norm. It is important to recognise this, cool down, and consider if reacting is appropriate. When someone questions your choice of being a vegetarian you shouldn't be upset. If there is something bad about a vegetarian diet it is only bad for yourself. In my oppinion, people opposing your vegetarian lifestyle have no business doing so.

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January 13, 2009
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`I've been a vegetarian for nine years, and most of the opposition to my choice comes from people who just don't get why. I'm in shape but I'm a smoker and by no means a health nut, I do it for the animals. Doesn't make sense to most people who don't live the same way, so you just tell them something with an unbiased point of view. There's even a pretty easy scientific way to look at it- our teeth. You show me a natural carnivore with teeth like ours and I'll retract this, but I'm pretty sure we just aren't really intended to eat flesh.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Vegan for three years, all you can say is why you did become a vegetarian. You can also tell them the health benefits. I also find that my reasoning shuts people up quick. I beleive people were built to eat meat, but not what we get. Factory farming is my enemy and when I tell people that if I had my own farm I would eat eggs, drink milk even meat. (not that i could do the slaughtering myself, or even eat meat now thatI have been vegan for so long) but I let people know that the inhumane ways we get meat are unethical and unhealthy. Let them know you are not opposed to the idea of being omnivorous but the standard of our farming is WRONG!!! and no one should eat meat from corps. or any inhumane farming (i.e. most meat sources)

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September 12, 2010
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`I get all frustrated and start arguing with them. Usually, though, I can get them to understand my reasoning.

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October 23, 2010
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PostPosted:     Post subject: I know what you mean.
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andrealyn224 wrote: .I became a vegetarian a year ago, and want other vegetarian to talk to instead of only my sister

I have been a vegatarian for 6 days now. I could imagine what your going through. My family and friends think Im Insane but I'm loving this change wright now.Tell me some of the changes your body has gone through.
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former member default image - bird flying away

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The three most beautiful things in life are logic, reason, and justice. I try as best as I can to let those three things guide me through life and they are what led me to becoming a vegan and I will stay vegan for as long as I live regardless of what any meat-eating murderers might say or think about it.

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September 24, 2010
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`tell them their an*s will be a red ragged cancerous hole if they keep eating processed red meat like ham and salami.
Meat which is not fully digetsed decomposes in the bowel leaking out carcinogens. THAT IS A LIFESTYLE U R FREE TO CHOOSE, BUT DONT ATTACK ME BECAUSE U HAVE MADE A WRONG DECISION,.
meat isnt just poison for the body, its toxic for the soul.
IF u eat an animal that has endured pain and misery, u are bringing pain misery and suffering into the world, and upon yourself.
Does that make u feel sexy? I think not

dont take any flak from carnies, be kind to them cos they are victims just like the animals killed for their food.
invite them round for dinner and cook them some delicious crunchy stir fry and crunchy roast spuds. tell them that cruelty free food is healthier, cheaper and sexier than death camp corpses full of hormones and toxins

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