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Hi again

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Hi again

Why is veggiemike the only one in this forum? When a pack of gum says that it has 5 calories per stick, does that mean just chewing it or swallowing it too? Are non-vegetarians responsible for the animals they kill if they don't think that it's wrong? Do you ever wonder if you are like the guy in "A Beautiful Mind" and this is all a figment of your imagination? Do you think that aliens could be evolved humans thousands of years in the future? Maybe they have discoved time travel and are doing strange experiments on people to see how we work. On a scale of 1 to 10 how weird do you think I am? I think I'm just bored.
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August 28, 2005
Posts: 14

PostPosted:     Post subject: Nothing Is Impossible
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Hi Emu,
Every thing starts with a thought,nothing is impossible,if you can think it then you can do it.Maybe not to day,but maybe tomorrow.
Things that seem impossible do happen,so you have to keep an open mind.
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August 28, 2005
Posts: 14

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If life is continious and we do exist in one form or another and we do have conscious thought when we die.
What if for instance at that stage in spirit form we learn that death was nothing to fear,but we are told we are going to be born again into another body and sentenced to 70 years on Earth.
Our memory would be erased of any past lives,the life we start will be like its our first.
Maybe we get strange thoughts sometimes because we are getting thoughts from past lives,but we dont understand it.
Its funny how we know things extinctively without being taught,maybe this is ingrained in us from past lives.
They say that kids are more suseptable to pyscic phenonoma and ghosts,etc.
Maybe because there been on this planet such a short time,and there minds are more open to this phenonoma,where our minds are corrupted by every day life and worrys.
Im not a religious person or bible basher,but i thing thoughts come from somewhere,and i believe no matter how stupid the thought might seem,if it excist in your head it can excist in reality.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Hello WedgieSpike

I was just being an idiot in my last reply About your past lives comments, I totally think that anything is possible. I'm taking this world religions class at a Unitarian Universalist church. Sounds like a cult, eh? It's actually just a really liberal group of people who are accepting of everyone- all religions or non-religions, LGBTs. It's really like being around a bunch of social workers. Actually, 33% of the church are social workers. I just found it a few weeks ago. They are big on social justice and environmental issues. Anyway, getting back to my original point, I was kind of talking about the same thing in class. I sometimes believe that it is all truth. Just like life, if you believe something it is your reality. No two people really live in the same reality. You can have two people with very similar lives and one might be content, while the other has created their own personal hell. I was talking about if what you believe about death and/or the afterlife may become a reality for you. We were also discussing the idea of hell- which I don't believe there is actually an eternal hell because what kind of loving God would send someone there? I do believe peoplecan live in "hell on earth." Sometimes I feel like that. Besides, having an eternal hell would serve no purpose. I believe that our spirits evolve over time, in which case the people sent to hell would have no chance to do that. Anyway I could chatter on about this for hours, but I'll spare you. BTW, I can't figure out how to upload a picture. I'm pretty sure that they are to big, but everytime I try to go to the free editing thing, it says it's not in service or something. Do you know if there is a way to cut or reduce the size of my pictures through Window's :
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August 28, 2005
Posts: 14

PostPosted:     Post subject: Its An Interesting Subject
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Hi Emu,
I just read what you wrote,and i agree with what you say.
Its one of those subjects where you can take it down many avenues.
Writing isnt really my forte,so i cant always explain what i think in words.
Its easier to speak about this subject.
So i wont waffling on because i will confuse myself

So yourve chose my new name then WedgySpike
Well its a lot better than the Ecoli one

I see this advert once in the local library for meditation classes,i was interested in going because i thought it would benefit my Martial Arts training.
But when i got there,it didnt seem anything like meditation to me,it seemed like some religious cult,there seemed to be a lot of brainwashing involved.
The guy that was running this group seemed weird,i dont mean in the sense dangerous,just his mannerisms and the way he talked.
There was photo's all over the place of Indian Messiahs,i suppose.
This group wasnt a Buddist or Hindu group,i cant remember the name.
But personaly i dont believe in worshiping anyone,and i wasnt taken in by anything this guy was saying,he wanted me to look at this photo of this Indian guy,that set his self up as a Christ figure,and basicly i was supposed to look at it and chant.
I told him its not for me.
This wasnt meditating as far as im concerned.
There alot of little groups that set there self up,and these guys that run them play on people with emotional problems,people that they can manipulate,these people start believing these sect leaders to have special powers,some of them just set there self up for there own s----l perversions.
Im not being shalloew minded,i know there might be non profit making groups that might help people and feel better about themselves.
But theres also alot of unscrupolous groups.
Alot of people dont have the same commonsense as you or me that can easily get sucked in.
Im starting to waffling on now.
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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

All right! Now there are 3 people... if you guys ever come back again! Everyone come on down to the forum and let us know your mind. Feel free to rant and rave and share recipes. Or, just come over to my house and cook for me.
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August 28, 2005
Posts: 14

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Hi Who,
Well im back,but i dont know whats happened to Emu.

Anyway did you have a nice Christmas?

Its ashame that more people dont use this board.i think i might be able to persuade another person to come on here.

If ever one day this forum becomes popular,you will be able to say you was one of the first to come on here.
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April 1, 2008
Posts: 1

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`I'm another person... I think... [therefore am I?]

And only 2years late! :)

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former member default image - bird flying away


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January 13, 2009
Posts: 12

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`Seems like I might be a little late coming onto this forum. Alot of the posts are...well, pretty damn old. Hopefully these people didn't all leave due to lack of response. Anyway, I'm posting on whatever ones I've got somthing to say about, hopefully somebody else is still doing the same.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

To answer one of your questions, yes meat-eaters are murderers because their actions directly result in the needless death, and obviously suffering, of helpless and innocent creatures. It is no different than hiring a hitman to kill another person. Even if you yourself aren't the one that pulled the trigger and committed the murder you are still guilty because you made it happen by paying and commissioning someone else to do it for you.

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