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April 7, 2008
Posts: 16

PostPosted:     Post subject: Dayum-
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We vegetarians are the quiet bunch, ain't we?

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former member default image - bird flying away

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.Are there any veggies in hear?
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January 13, 2009
Posts: 12

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`....Okay, so the site SAYS we've got pretty many members here. With a show of posts, even blank or one-word, how many members on this site actually come to this forum anymore?

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January 13, 2009
Posts: 12

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`....Well, I tried.

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April 7, 2008
Posts: 16

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`I'm coming I guess, lol.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

Well, I'm here. If anyone who truly loves all animals as I do and shares my belief that it is unnecessary as well as immoral to eat them or hurt them in any way wants to chat you can often find me in either the vegan, vegetarian, or pets chatrooms or just simply drop me a line on my passions email. I won't bite. In fact, the only things you'll ever see me taking a bite out of are veggies.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Oh, I'm here now and then. But whsat bugs me more is how many members not only never sign in, but never even fill out their profile. Makes one wonder why they bothered to join at all?! How do you expect to make friends if you refuse to tell anyone anything about yourself? If you're worried about privacy, then fill in non-private information.

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March 20, 2013
Posts: 5

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`Being a lifetime vegetarian (64 years) has taught me heaps, though do not expect others to understand beside me. I am not one for judging another's dietary practises, as even death of a plant is still death for another to live. How do we get beyond death I have experimented with for a few years now. I certainly do not expect to find a partner who feels the same way to my conclusions. However, one thing I do know, is that the diet has helped me to see that me and nature are one and the same thing. It is all about connection to Mother, and think that we can do better in our next model of evolution to eliminate death concepts philosophically for each person to begin with.......Myban

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June 30, 2014
Posts: 16

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`Im here. It is December 30, 2014. I started my membership writing a lot. Nobody ever answered my posts or my emails. Now I come here once or twice a month. I spend most of my time solitary. It seems no vegitarians want to be friends. Well the female ones anyways. You vetarians aint the first ones to reject me. I was first rejected by the meat gobelers and school mates and then the bar maids and then the druggies. A life of rejection is fairl the course of my life. When you do make a friend, turns out that person was just a user. Maybe its better to just be alone. Oh and the jewish girls have really rejected me hard. They wont have a poor man or a man who has less than a 4 year college education.
But I stay busy being an activist on the internet for animal welfare rights and Israel. Turns out just adding your name to a list gives them power of numbers to solicit for better treatment of all animals. Hell occasionally I sign a petition to help a person out too. Then I go to work and work and work some more at my job that earns the money for me to eat and such. Its hard work. Its never easy. Sometimes I want to seek out one of those sitting jobs like making money on the inter net or driving truck or equipment for a living. So anyways my life is hard right now. But my dog Buddy Charlie loves me. Bites me everyday, sometimes 5 or 6 or however many times; just to let me know it. I think Im going to change his name to bitey or bitezilla. But the big pooper seems like another good name to fit. Poopsy, poopzilla, could be candidates too. For now its just charlie. Hes a 70 lb, 9 month old puppy. so what was we talking about again. I would like to meet that cute chic at the top. But I dont think she writes back either. I might check again. I used to think that there were more women vegetarians than there were men. But on this site I see that there are more men vegitarians than women. Im a little shy. so I dont go to the chat rooms. they might ask me something I cant answer. Maybe I should try a chat room some time.

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