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Do not call me vegetarian.

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December 1, 2014
Posts: 2

PostPosted:     Post subject: Do not call me vegetarian.
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Lately I have decided that I need to stop calling myself as a vegetarian because I really do not like and do not eat vegetables.

The thing is that I only do not eat any animals, as in no animal meat, but not vegetables either.

I eat a lot of cheese only because I can not stop the cheese so I could be called a cheese-atarian.

What I do eat are things like cheese pizzas and love macaroni and eat breads, rice, lots of noodles, soups, and just no animals as food.

When I tell people that I am a vegetarian then they expect me to eat the veggies, as like green beans, peas, carrots, salads, mashed potatoes, and I do not much like any of those.

Other people offer things like fresh vegetables as some people have gardens and I do not even know how to cook raw veggies let alone eat rabbit food.

So what can I do? what do I call myself?

When I do tell people words like "I do not eat animals" then I get much harsher replies, as like "WHAT" or "Animals are meant to be eaten" and I never got that from saying that I was vegetarian.

Fortunately (or insanely) I happen to like the harsh replies because then I get to preach about not eating animals, instead of trying to explain how I am a vegetarian who does not like vegetables.

So is there any opinions about this?


58 year old in Maryland wanting a wife,
and long distance is no problem.
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June 30, 2014
Posts: 16

PostPosted:     Post subject:
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`The most common type of vegetarian is the ovo-lacto vegetarian. Ovo-lacto vegetarians do not eat meat but do eat eggs (ovo) and dairy products (lacto). Some people are ovo vegetarians (eat eggs but not meat or dairy products) or lacto vegetarians (eat dairy products but not meat or eggs).
In yours and my case; vegetarian is a word that significantly means dont eat creatures. so now that we have redefined vegetarian; we add a phrase to describe what we do eat. I am currently an Ova lacto vegitarian. I eat eggs and I Love cheese. But unlike you I also love fruits and vegetables. But mainly my diet is filled with crackers, bread, pizza and the like. I wanted to become a fruita at one point. But very expensive and left me feeling hungry. And I tried fruita and raw; its expensive. Who's got that much money? And really the variety of diet just doesnt seem to be there. So anyways, I hope this helped. oh and I get that argument too a lot, how animals are meant to be eaten. The ignorance shocks me. Then Ive got to correct them. I tact from various perceptions. Just in case the individual has a problem with a particular perspective.

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