Animal Rights Group (NEW Posting Feature - BETA - In Development) 624 members

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Change the law!
When an animal rights activist boycotts a cosmetics company for testing products on animals, her heart is in the right place; but this does not address the root of the problem. You see, federal law requires that any ingredient used in cosmetics MUST be tested on animals. When a cosmetics company announces that their products are not tested on animals, they mean simply that they are using only ingredients that have previously been through that approval process, so no ADDITIONAL testing is needed; but in order for those ingredients to be legal to use, someone, at some time, had to have tested them on animals. So if you really want to help the animals, don't go after the cosmetics companies -- CHANGE THE LAW!

Live was I ere I saw evil
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The things you've done-
For animal rights, just wondering =)

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End the seal hunt boycott Canadian seafood and travel
Hello to all readers:

I would like to thank all of you for your continued support and signatures I still currently have the seal petition In circulation and as usual will be ongoing until I have reached my goal signatures I would please ask that you go to my care 2 site to sign my petition If you are Interested In doing so and apologize to those that have signed already this is a new revised petition please see the link below.

Thank you to all and please If you could pass this petition along to everyone that you know It would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a million everyone



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Save the seals

I would just like to let everyone know that I have a petition currently In circulation and It will be ongoing Indefinitely so as to stop the seal hunt that goes on In Canada every year, so for all those people that would like to see the Canadian seal hunt end for good and to try and stop It from happening again next year please go ahead and stop by and sign my petition.

I thank everyone who signs every signature does count and hopefully together we can end this cruelty once and for all.

Best Regards,


Please go to this web page If you wish to support a worthy cause and pass on to everyone you know


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A group for people who are Vegetarian due to their concern for animal rights.
Rules - Post And Be Seen
(BETA - In Development)
Posts must be specific to the Animal Rights Group
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